What We Do
Community Supermarket
Our Community Supermarket is a membership based service. It was brought in to replace our Food Bank and to give people greater choice and control.
Supported Accommodation
Happy Days operates its own accommodation services and works closely with housing associations and the council’s Housing Options team to find the best solution for each individual.
Winter Shelter
The Winter Shelter is an essential part of our mission in the local community. It is a safe haven for residents and a place where they feel welcome and have access to the support they need.
Drop In
Offering walk-in support for anyone who needs help with accommodation and benefits or mental health and addiction support, we operate regular healthcare drop-in clinics at The Gathering Place.
Community Café
The Happy Days Community Café is open to all. It provides a free hot meal and a dessert on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 12:30pm-1:30pm. Support Workers are on hand during these times.
Bike Shop
As part of our Happy Life Programme, we provide work experience, skills training and volunteering opportunities for our residents. Happy Days operates a woodwork workshop where residents learn skills and make items.